When you need to seek just compensation after a car accident in New York, one of the most important steps you can take is to write down everything you can remember about the incident. The more information you can record the better, as your memory of the details can fade quickly over time. Note-taking in the days after the accident can help you recall what happened and provide an accurate record of the details while they are still fresh in your memory, essentially acting as evidence to support your claim. If you are unsure of what you should be jotting down, a knowledgeable New York City Car Accident Lawyer may be able to help. Please continue reading to learn the importance of keeping notes after a collision.
Why is it Important to Take Notes After a Car Accident?
As mentioned above, memories can fade over time, so writing down details immediately after an accident ensures you don’t forget relevant details and capture important information. Detailed notes can serve as evidence to support your version of the events, which is particularly important if liability is disputed. Some things that you might want to include are:
- Details about the accident, like when and where it happened
- Your account of the events leading up to the accident
- Description of the vehicles involved and any damage
- The nature and extent of your injuries, and their impact on your daily life
- Any time missed at work and other financial losses
- Every detail of what you saw, heard and felt
- Anything that would have benefited you or which you would have enjoyed but were unable to do so because of the accident
- Summarize conversations with insurers, witnesses, and others
- Any other relevant information that can help establish how you’ve been affected by the accident
When you have extensive notes about the accident it enables you to make a more compelling argument for compensation. Having records of your injuries can facilitate getting reimbursed for medical expenses, but your notes about the anguish you experience and how your injuries have diminished your enjoyment of life can make it easier to recover damages related to pain and suffering.
What Are My Nex Steps?
After you have sought medical attention, you should take notes, take pictures of the accident scene, and speak to witnesses who may help your case. It’s important to preserve evidence as it’s the key to a successful personal injury claim. If you have been injured in a car accident due to another party’s negligence, it’s in your best interest to consult an experienced lawyer from The Law Offices of Brian J. Elbaum, who can help you gather evidence to build a strong case and fight for the compensation you deserve. Connect with our firm today to learn how we can guide you through these complex matters.